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The 2024 Taiwan-UK Collaborative R&D Programme is open for applications

June 17, 2024
The 2024 Taiwan-UK Collaborative R&D Programme is open for applications

📣2024 台英創新研發合作計畫持續徵件中!英國創新局(Innovate UK)再度投入 500 萬英鎊與台灣經濟部產業技術司共同補助雙邊產業傑出的創新研發計畫,今年已經邁入第二年,歡迎台灣與英國的企業、研發單位申請,透過創新研發一起繁榮。在 AI 的領域中,英國公司 Instill AI 和台灣公司 InfuseAI 正在合作提升大型語言模型(large language models, LLMs)的性能。產業的變化快速、跨語言的溝通複雜,用於訓練 AI 的數據可能很快就跟不上時代,因此這項合作要針對非英語的 LLM 應用以及領域飄移問題提出解方。這項創新的合作不但有助發展 AI 科技讓 LLM 更多元、可靠、包容,也展現台英合作的無限潛能!


你的企業也有絕佳的創新計劃,並且希望跟英國夥伴合作嗎?2024 台英創新研發合作計畫現正開放申請,至 7 月 17 日截止👉

📣The 2024 Taiwan-UK Collaborative R&D Programme is open for applications!Innovate UK is investing £5 million again to co-fund the second round of Collaborative R&D programme with Taiwan's Department of Industry and Technology (DoIT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Companies and R&D institutes in the UK and Taiwan are encouraged to apply for funding for their innovative joint R&D programme to prosper together.In AI technology, UK company Instill AI and Taiwanese company InfuseAI are collaborating to enhance LLM applications. With the rapid pace of change in industry and the complexity of cross-language communication, the data used to train AI can quickly become outdated. Therefore, this collaboration aims to provide solutions for non-English LLM applications and the problem of domain drift. This innovative collaboration not only helps develop AI technology to make LLMs more diverse, reliable and inclusive, but also demonstrates the unlimited potential of UK-Taiwan collaboration!

Find out more about the interesting project👉

Does your business have a great innovation plan and want to work with a Taiwanese partner? UK-Taiwan Collaborative R&D 2024 is open for applications now until 17th July👉

Image: Instill AI

Read the article: (UK in Taiwan 英國在台辦事處)

Organization and position: Instill AI