Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis

Missouri, United States

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traineeship Info

Internship Info

The International Student Research Internship Program is designed for students currently enrolled at an international university to participate in engineering research at Washington University in St. Louis during the summer months (May through August).

  • Program Schedule:

Applicants must submit all materials by November 13, 2023.

Admission Notification: January 2024

Program Duration: 8-10 weeks (approximately from late May to late July)

  • Admission Quota: Up to 5 students
  • Financial Support from Washington University in St. Louis
  1. Stipend of USD 7,200 (includes a food allowance of $120/week)
  2. Free campus housing
  3. Public transportation passes for local St. Louis travel
  • Eligibility Criteria
  1. Enrolled full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an international university in their enrolled full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an international university in their penultimate year of undergraduate studies
  2. Possess adequate training and background in the subject area of the internship
  3. Possess strong motivation and interest in research
  4. Must be a non-US citizen or non-permanent resident of the United States
  • Application Materials
  1. Resume (2-page maximum)
  2. Personal statement (include general interests, objectives for the summer, background and preparation: one page maximum)
  3. Unofficial transcript
  4. Two references (at least one must be from a faculty at the student's current institution).
  5. English language proficiency score (TOEFL or IELTS taken within the last 2 years).
  • Application Procedure
    After finalizing the online application on the program website, kindly compile all application materials into a single PDF file, which should include your resume, transcript, personal statement, and two recommendation letters (format: student ID + name). Please submit the file to jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw (Mr. Jeffrey Huang, Office of International Affairs, +886-2-3366-2007 #228) by November 13, 2023.

Note: In case applicants are unable to access their recommendation letters, they are requested to request the recommending professors to forward the letters directly to jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw.

International Student Research Internship Program是專為海外大學生設計,於暑期間(5至8月)至聖路易華盛頓大學參與工程學領域研究活動。

  • 計畫期程




  • 錄取名額:至多5名
  • 補助項目:聖路易華盛頓大學提供7,200美元獎助金(含食宿補助)
  • 申請資格
  1. 本校學士班學生(大三優先)
  2. 具上述研究領域足夠背景知識及經驗
  3. 對研究有強烈動機與興趣
  4. 非美國公民或永久居民
  • 申請資料
  1. 英文履歷表(A4兩面為限)
  2. 英文個人自述(可包含:general interests, objectives for the summer, background and preparation,A4一面為限,無標準格式)
  3. 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含112-1修課紀錄)
  4. 推薦信2封
  5. 英語檢定成績單(托福或雅思須在2年內效期)
  • 申請方式

於計畫網站完成線上申請後,將申請資料合併成1個PDF檔,包含履歷表、成績單、個人自述書、推薦信2封(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 2023年11月13日前 寄至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員, +886-2-3366-2007 #228)。

註:若申請者無檢視推薦信權限,請撰寫推薦信的師長轉寄推薦信至 jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw


Washington University in St. Louis is a place where people matter and serious work is done. Our mission is to discover and disseminate knowledge, and to protect the freedom of inquiry through research, teaching and learning.

We will challenge you to realize your potential. We inspire and support each other with a view toward both individual and collective success. We are a community of individuals with inner fire and quiet confidence, inspired to work together to develop big ideas and tackle challenging problems.

Our mission drives who we are as a university. As we accept the challenge of our mission’s goals of inclusion and excellence, we are always evolving to meet the needs of our current and prospective students as well as our alumni, faculty and staff. We focus on strategic priorities that produce the most impact toward our goal of enhancing the lives of our students, our community and our world.

Our campuses demonstrate our commitment to an inclusive community that is welcoming, nurturing and intellectually rigorous. Throughout Washington University’s history, we have set our sights high and judged ourselves by the most exacting standards. With a view toward individual and collective success, our mission moves us to inspire and support one another.

Watch our mission in action through the stories in our publications and in the ways our leadership builds partnerships and strengthens our community. See the results of our efforts and self-measurement in our annual report and audited financial statements.


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