Chen Yu Chiu

Job Title
Chief Executive Officer
Mandarin, English


Since 2016, Dr. CHIU Chen-Yu (Cho) has worked voluntarily as the architect for consolidating the program and design of the Taiwan – Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens. In 2020, he has further acted voluntarily as the founding Director of the Centre for implementing its humanitarian programs and collaboration with local NGOs, business sectors, and grassroots. Cho has also worked as an architectural historian, exhibition curator/coordinator, competition organizer, and full-time academician in the Department of Architecture at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, and the Technical University of Munich in Germany.



  • Supervisor for the first prize competition proposal for UIA-HYP Cup 2014 International Student Competition in Architectural Design – “The Unexpected STORM in Nicosia, Cyprus”, by Biel Susanna Viladot and Stefanos Theodorou, with 15,000 USD prize money, jointly awarded by The International Union of Architects; The School of Architecture of Tianjin University; The Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine; The School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; and the World Architecture Magazine (2014)
  • John Grice Research Prize in Architecture for Doctoral Research – Awarded for Utzon’s China, The Reinterpretation of Traditional Chinese Art and Architecture in the Work of Jørn Utzon (1918-2008), awarded by The Faculty of Architecture, Building, and Planning of The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2012.


  • Director for Building 4Humanity, Design Competition — 2019 Taiwan Prize 2nd EDITION — 2019, DESIGNING FOR THE INTEGRATION AND INCLUSION OF SYRIAN REFUGEES IN TURKEY, 台灣人道建築獎. This competition is held in collaboration with Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara; Ortadoğu Vakfı (Middle East Foundation), Turkey; Alliance of Architectural Modernity, Taiwan; Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University, Taiwan; Architecture Museum, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal; The Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon Portugal.
  • Jury member for Building 4 Humanity, Resilient Design Competition, organized by The University of Lisbon, The University of Coimbra (Portugal), and The Global Disaster Resilience Centre at The University of Huddersfield (UK), in association with The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), (2018)
  • Deputy General-Secretary-in-Chief, Alliance for Architectural Modernity, Taiwan (2017)
  • Artistic Director for Hsieh Ying-Chun and atelier-3. The team is the winner of the Curry Stone Design Prize in 2011, one of the highest honors for the achievements of the humanitarian architecture approach
  • The 2008 Dean’s Prize for Published Postgraduate Research - Awarded for the publication of “Transcultural intention and exotic inspirations: The role of Albert Frey in the work of Jørn Utzon” at the 25th International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Australia, 2008; Awarded by The Faculty of Architecture, Building, and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • First Prize for the National Golden Award for Architecture-Excellent Design of Students; Awarded by The Committee of the National Golden Award for Architecture, Taiwan (2002)
  • First Prize for Thesis Design; Awarded by The Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (2002)
  • First Prize for excellent performance in the design studio and all subjects for academic years 1997-2002; Awarded by The Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (2002)
  • Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honorary Member; Awarded by Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (2002)
  • First Prize for Mr. Wang Memorial Foundation Student Design Competition; Awarded by The Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (2001)
  • Second Prize in the Tang-Te-Chang Memorial Park Rebuilding Student Drawing Competition; Awarded by The City Government of Tai Nan, Taiwan (2001)
  • First Prize for “Excellent Design of Students” for the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre; Awarded by The National Association of Architects, Taiwan (2000)
  • Second Prize for Landscape in “921 Earthquake Memorial Form” Student Drawing Competition; Awarded by The National Association of Architects, Taiwan (2000)


  • PhD, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Master in Urban Design, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, USA
  • Bachelor in Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
