Mu-Chen Liu

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


Master in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


What I looked for as I applied for this internship was diversity, different topics, and a target for horticultural research. At Kew, I got the position and the chance to participate in the Science Education Team. I have the opportunity to explore a completely different research field by being a member of the team. Meeting people was a large part of my internship, and I enjoyed it and learned a lot from them. Aside from the project, I also met students who are in similar stages to me at the activities held by the Science Education Team for intern students. Every project and activity I participated in broadened my horizons. Everyone I met talked with passion shining in their eyes. All of them encourage me to keep working on what I like. This is a journey not only to find a new future but also to find courage, passion, and confidence.