You need to pay the visa fee by yourself. Even if the host organization sponsors your visa, you might still need to pay the visa application fee.
Economically disadvantaged students are those who meet one or more of the following criteria:
1) Students who are citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and from government-certified low-income households, low-to-middle-income households, or families undergoing hardships.
2) Students who are citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) whose total household income (including the income of the applicant, the applicant’s parents, spouse, children, unmarried siblings, married siblings who live with the applicant, and any grandparent registered in the same household or who live with the applicant) meets the following criteria:
a) Total annual income of NTD800,000 or less
b) Total annual income interest of NTD10,000 or less c) Total annual business income of NTD50,000 or less
3) Students who are not citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and hold a certificate issued by the competent authorities of their country of nationality proving their economically disadvantaged, low-income, or tax-exempt status.
1、具中華民國國籍且領有政府核發低收入戶、中低收入戶及特殊境遇 家庭證明者。
2、具中華民國國籍且家庭總所得收入(包括申請人及其父母、配偶、 子女、未婚之兄弟姐妹、已婚且共同生活之兄弟姐妹、同一戶籍或 共同生活之(外)祖父母之收入)同時符合以下規定者:
(2)家庭利息所得全年未超過新臺幣一萬元。 (3)家庭營利所得全年未超過新臺幣五萬元。
3、非中華民國籍學生,持有國籍所在地政府機關當年度出具之清寒證 明、低收入戶證明或免繳稅證明者。
Application Fee (non-refundable) : NTD $1,000
Program Fee (non-refundable) : NTD $5,000
Credit Fee (Summer Internship):
Students are not required to pay the credit fee. If, however, students who meet one of the following conditions should pay a credit fee for this course.
Yes, you can apply for the scholarship as long as you apply for the OIP.