Pasona Group is a social solutions company that creates a number of work infrastructures so that everyone can work with vitality and freedom based on our corporate philosophy of "Solutions to Society's Problems". Our mission is contributing toward a sustainable society and working toward a society capable of achieving a “Smart Life Initiative” to create lives of abundance for people. When people ask us, "What does Pasona Group do?" We answer, "It is to harness the potential of the individual.” For example, if a person has difficulty finding a job because of his/her age, we try to find a job where he/she can make the most of his/her abilities and experience. For those who lack experience, we find their outstanding talents and hidden potential. This is what Pasona Group does. “Harnessing the potential of the individual"also means "living" in one's own way.
Pasona Group's job is to create a multi-layered infrastructure so that anyone who wants to work can do so with peace of mind, and to "produce life" by helping people create a life plan that is uniquely rich and fulfilling for them.Since 2008, Pasona Group has been taking on the challenge of regional development through "attracting human resources" on Awaji Island,Hyogo Prefecture, where people with diverse dreams and talents gather to revitalize local industries. Our role is to create a society where everyone can freely choose the job they want and work in a way that fits their life plan. We will continue to create new prospective industries while leveraging the synergy effects of the Pasona Group.
Please check【Pasona Group】Awaji GuideBook
[Awaji Future Design Division]
Our mission is to globalize Awaji Island with an eye on the 2025 Osaka Expo by cooperating with international organizations, universities, etc. and attracting tourists from around the globe. The division has about 15 members, including global talent from over 4 countries. Our many diverse projects involve working with different internal departments and external agencies.
[Global Business Division]The Global Business Division provides global recruiting and HR management services for international business customers, plans and facilitates career support events, and runs global marketing campaigns in relation to these services, among other services.
【Awaji Future Design Division】
・Help to plan and facilitate events for Japanese students, entrepreneurs, and resort customers
・Help foster cooperation with social media influencers
【Global Business Division】
・Create & post contents for our social media accounts (Facebook, etc.)
・Create banner designs with Canva
・Help to plan, prepare, & run career events for foreign nationals and Japanese companies
・Help to plan, prepare, & run projects to increase international tourism to Awaji Island
From early June to end of September, 2025 (adjustable at the discretion of the organisation)
The Digital Marketing Division manages social media accounts for the Awaji Island Resort and different Pasona Group group companies. Next to creating promotional images and videos for social media channels, the team creates multilingual blog posts about travel in Japan, and and works with international influencers to increase contents’ reach.
From early June to end of September, 2025 (adjustable at the discretion of the organisation)
The architecture team of the Architectural & Design Unit creates concepts and initial layouts/floor plans for upcoming construction projects in close communication with company executives, architectural bureaus, and construction companies. Other work includes conceptualizing interior designs, creating 3D models, and documenting existing facilities for future reference.
The design team creates promotional images, videos, and websites for existing resort facilities and upcoming projects featuring 3D models created by the architecture team.
From early June to end of September, 2025 (adjustable at the discretion of the organisation)